Parish Feast of Saints Peter & Paul, there will be nine days novena commencing from Wednesday 19th June to Thursday 27th June, during the morning & evening Mass. Parishioners who wish to contribute flowers for the altar or any other items for this occasion can approach any priests or the Parish Office.
Feast mass will be celebrated from Friday 28th June to Sunday 30th June on all the masses. The Solemn high mass will be celebrated on Friday 28th June at 7.00pm.
The Annual Peter’s Pence Collection will be made at all obligation masses for the Pope’s Works of Charity. Hence there will be two collections made at all obligation Masses on Friday 28th June to Sunday 30th June. Please be generous in your Offering.
The grand finale of Summer camp will be at the Outdoor stage after the 7.00 pm mass on Friday 28th June.
The Family Ministry of our Parish will be organizing an Oman Catholic youth get- together on Friday 5th July at 5.30 pm in the main Parish Hall. Catholic singles in the age group of 25 to 35 years are invited to register their names at the parish office by 30th June 2019.
Bishop’s Pastoral visit to our parish begins from Thursday 20th to Sunday 23rd June 2019.
Installation of the New Parish Council Members will be held on Sunday 23rd June at the 7.30pm mass by our Bishop Paul Hinder.
Feast of the Holy Body & Blood of Christ will be celebrated from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June 2019.
Feast of St. John the Baptist on Monday 24th June.
Baptism Preparation Course on Monday 17th June at 8.00 pm in Upper Parish Hall. It is compulsory for Parents as well as for Godparents.