Baptism Preparation Course on Monday 22nd April from 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm in Upper Parish Hall. It is compulsory for Parents as well as for Godparents
Renewal of Marriage vows for couples married in the month of April will be on Sunday 28th April at the 7.30 p.m mass. Couples are requested to occupy the front reserved pews.
Maundy Thursday – 18th April – Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30 p.m. Adorations after the mass until midnight.
Good Friday – 19th April – A day of Fast and Abstinence. Stations of the Cross timings for various languages are displayed on the banner & Church Notice Board, the Parish Way of the Cross begins at 5.30 pm followed by “The Lord’s Passion” at 6.30 p.m.
Holy Saturday –20th April, Meditation on the Seven Sorrows of Blessed Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross at 6.00 a.m. The Easter Vigil Service begins at 7.30 p.m.
Easter Sunday – 21st April, Masses at 6.00am., 9.00am 2.30 pm 05.30 p.m. & 7.30 p.m. Language Masses: Urdu at 11.00 am in the Upper Parish Hall, Tagalog at 12.00 Noon, Tamil 06.30 p.m In the Main Parish Hall & Malayalam Syro Malabar at 08.30 p.m. in the Church.
A nine-week novena to St. Anthony of Padua will begin every Tuesday commencing from 16th April. Novena prayer will be recited before the morning & evening mass.