Palm Sunday - Blessings & distribution of the palms on all obligation masses from Friday 12th April to Sunday 14th April.
Palm Sunday Mass in Tagalog on Friday 12th April at 11.30 am in the Church
Lenten Confessions for Children on Tuesday 02nd April for Class 5 & 6, on Wednesday 03rd April for class 7 & 8 & on Thursday 04th April for class 9,10,11& 12. Preparation for the confessions at 4.00pm.
Training for the New and Existing Altar Servers on Saturday 30th March from 9.00 am to 12.00 Noon, in the Church. Attendance compulsory. All altar servers are requested to report by 9.00 am for registration.
Marriage Preparation Course on Friday 29th & Saturday 30th March 2019, from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Ghala.
Parish Lenten Retreat in English begins from Monday 25th March to Friday 29th March, immediately after the evening mass. There will be no prayer meetings during the Retreat. Fr. Francis Karthanam V.C from Divine Retreat Centre, Delhi will be the Preacher.
There will be no Way of the cross on Tuesday 26th March.
Solemnity of Annunciation of the Lord on Monday 25th March, mass at 6.00 am, no morning prayer on that day..
The Annual Pilgrimage to Holy Land is scheduled from 08th to 14th July & Europe tour from 04th to 16th July 2019. Last date for registration to the Europe tour is 31st March. For details please contact the Parish Office.
Copies of the Holy Week Program 2019 & Lenten Alms Envelopes are placed on the table at the entrances of the Church.