06th March is Ash Wednesday a day of fast and abstinence. Masses are at 6.00 am, 2.30 pm., 5.30 pm. 7.00 pm.& 8.30 pm Novena prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be recited before the 6.00 am mass and 7.00 pm mass. (Lectors who would like to read on this day are requested to register their names in the sacristy)
Schedule for the Way of the Cross in English & Various Languages during the Lenten Season is displayed on the church Notice Boards.
The Family Ministry of our Parish is organizing Elders Day on Saturday 2nd March at 6.30 pm in the Main Parish Hall, couples and singles above 60 years of age may please register your names in the Parish office. The program will include a talk for the elders of our parish followed by Fun and entertainment.
No Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday 28th February.
A special mass for the Board Exam Students and their parents on Saturday 23rd February at 10.00 am in the Church.
Baptism Preparation Course on Monday 18th February at 8.00 pm in Upper Parish Hall. It is compulsory for Parents as well as for Godparents.
Today - Silver Jubilee Celebration of St Anthony’s church, Sohar, mass at 5.00 pm followed by cultural programme & fellowship meal. All parishioners are cordially invited.
The Annual Pilgrimage to Holy Land is scheduled from 08th to 14th July & Europe tour from 04th to 16th July 2019. For details please contact the Parish Office.
Please drop the dried palms in the bucket placed outside the church Entrances.