Annual Summer Camp will be from Saturday 08th June to Friday 28th June 2019, for children of age seven to Eighteen years. Registration forms will be available in the parish office. We look forward to the support of our parishioners in cash or kind or whatsoever towards the summer camp.
Marriage Preparation Course on Friday 24th & Saturday 25th May from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. in the Main Parish Hall. Recent copy of the Baptism Certificate is compulsory for registration. Registration at the Parish Office.
Renewal of Marriage Vows for couples married in the month of May will be on Sunday 12th May at the 7.30pm.
The children of our Parish will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday 11th May, Mass at 10.00 a.m.
We have fulfilled our Lenten observances of Prayer & Fasting. Kindly return the Lenten Envelopes with your contribution for the poor.
There wil be no Catechism classes for Juniors on Satursay 11th May 2019. Mass at 5.30 pm will remain as usual.