2nd February will be the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. We are celebrating the Feast on 31st January, 1st and 2nd February during all the obligatory masses. On Sunday during the 7:00 pm mass we shall have the blessing of the Candles at the Main Stage near the Catechism Building at 7:00 pm and then we shall enter with procession to the Church for the Eucharistic celebration. Let us remember to pray for all the religious and the consecrated people in the Church on this day. Please come with candles for the blessing.
The Konkani Community will have their Annual Retreat in Konkani from 10th to 13th February, Monday to Thursday after the 7:00 pm mass in the Church. In view of the Retreat the Malayalam Latin Mass on 13th February will be celebrated in the Main Parish Hall.
7th February, Friday will be the First Friday of the Month. The Holy Hour of Adoration will be at 4:30 pm, followed by mass at 5:30 pm.
We shall have the Farewell Eucharistic Celebration for H. E. Monsignor Diego, on 7th February during the 7:00 pm Mass.
Youth Mass for the Month of February will be on 14th February Friday at 6:45 pm in the Upper Parish Hall.
Saints and Feasts of the Week 4th February, Tuesday - St. John Britto 5th February, Wednesday - St. Agatha 6th February, Thursday - Sts. Gonsalo Garcia, Paul Miki and Companions