3rd October will be the celebration of the passing away of St. Francis of Assisi known as TRANSITUS. Like last year we shall be celebrating the Transitus after the 7:00 pm mass on 3rd Oct. Thursday. We invite all of you to join this celebration.
On 4th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. We shall celebrate this Feast on 4th Oct. Friday during the 7:00 pm Mass, along with the Eucharistic Ministers, as St. Francis is the Patron of the Eucharistic Ministers.
The Tamil Mass which is scheduled for 3rd October is postponed to 11th October.
The Urdu Mass for the Month of October will be on 18th October.
4th October Friday will be the First Friday of the Month, the Holy Hour of Adoration will be at 4:30 pm, followed by Eucharist Celebration at 5:30 pm.
Jesus Youth is organizing a one-day Teens Program " FACE TO FACE ", on 11th October 2024, Friday from 12.30pm to 7.00pm in the Basement hall of the Catechism Building at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Ruwi. Teens who are interested to participate, please register at the Parish Office with RO.3. Age category from 13 to 18 years only.
Baptism Preparation Seminar for the Month of October will be on 11th October Friday at 5:00 pm. Parents and godparents kindly register your names in the Parish Office before the 10th of October.
The celebration of the Altar Server’s Day is postponed to 18th October from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. During the 5:30 pm mass the existing Altar Servers will renew their commitment, and the new Altar Servers will be inducted into the ministry.
29th September, Sunday 2024 will be the WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS. On that day the 7:00 pm mass will be a special mass, praying for all the migrants. After the Mass there will be adoration for 30 minutes, praying for all migrants.
The Goan Community of our Parish is organizing “FUN SPORTS” for all the parishioners of our Parish today evening, after the 7:00 pm mass near the outdoor stage. All the parishioners are requested to participate.
Registrations for the Children's Choir (Grade 2-5) and (Grade 6-8) have been extended. Auditions will be held on 3rd October 2024 in the Basement Hall of the Catechism Building from 6 pm onwards. Parents of interested Children are requested to register their names and details in the Main Parish Office at the earliest.
The Children’s choir (Grade 6-8) need Pianists and Guitarists to play for the Children's Masses on Saturdays at 4 pm. Those children who are learning the Keyboard/Guitar and are interested to play for the Mass are kindly requested to register at the Parish Office
Saints and Feasts of the Week
30th September, Monday - St. Jerome
1st October, Tuesday - St. Therese of Child Jesus, Patroness of the Missions