Summer camp has begun on 15th June 2024. There are nearly 350 children. We look forward to your kind cooperation, especially to your contributions in cash or kind.
In babies’ room, it is strictly prohibited to use toys, mobile phones, snacks. Babies room too is a holy place. We are in the presence of the Lord. Do not make babies room a playhouse. Parents please take care of your babies especially while receiving the Holy Communion, that the babies do not grab the Communion from your hand.
The Nurses Ministry of our Parish, along with the Parish Council will be organizing a blood donation drive on 6th July 2024. Those who wish to donate blood kindly register their names in the Parish Office before 30th June.
Saints and Feasts of the Week 24th June, Monday - Solemnity of the Birthday of St. John the Baptist 26th June, Wednesday - St. Andrew Hyacinth Longhin 27th June, Thursday - St. Cyril of Alexandria 28th June, Friday - St. Ireneus 29th June, Saturday - Sts. Peter and Paul
We will be celebrating the Feast of our Parish, Saints Peter and Paul, on 28th June Friday. His Excellency Paul Hinder, Bishop Emeritus will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration during the 6:30 pm mass.
On 27th June Thursday, we begin the novena at 6:30 pm with the 1st vespers of the Feast. There will be Eucharistic adoration, novena, Holy Mass and the procession with the portrait of Sts. Peter and Paul. Please note: on 28th June, Friday, being the Feast of our Parish, there will be only 3 Masses at; 06:00 am 10:00 am – Solemn High Mass, and 06:30 pm – Solemn High Mass There will be Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided respectively after the Masses. The total cost would be approximately RO SIX THOUSAND (6,000.000) Any Parishioner wishes to sponsor any of the Meals, or to make partial contribution, please meet the Parish Priest.