AVOSA Office of Care will be conducting the Safeguarding Policy Seminar on 2nd June Friday from 8:45 am to 2:00 pm. All those who did not attend last time – Parish Council Members, Catechists, Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Prayer group Leaders, Choir leaders, Community Committee Coordinators and all those who are involved in serving the church in someway or the other, this Seminar is Mandatory. Please register your names at the parish office before 27th May 2023
Rev Fr Peter Fernando Director of the Family Ministry AVOSA will speak to couples on the Joy of Marriage on Friday 2nd June from 6pm to 8 pm.
We request all couples from our Parish to attend this talk and enrich their married lives.
There will be a blood donation camp organized by the Nurses ministry on 10th June at the Basement hall from 09.00am up to 01:00 pm. Those who wish to donate blood kindly register your names in the Parish office.
The Annual Summer Camp will begin from 10th June to 30th June 2023 for ages 7 to 18 years. Registration forms are available at the parish office. Last day for registration is 28th May 2023. We also request Parishioners who can support in cash or kind to contact the parish office at the earliest or you can drop your contribution in Box provided at the entrance of the Church.
There will be “Parish Life in the Spirit” seminar from 19th to 28th May 2023 after the evening mass in the main parish hall. This will culminate with a night vigil of Praise, Worship & adoration on the 27th after the evening mass, as preparation for the feast of Pentecost on 28th May. You are welcome to experience the dynamic power and working of Holy Spirit in your life. Come and be blessed.
Marriage preparation seminar will be on 26th and 27th May at Holy Spirit Church, Ghala. Kindly register at Ghala Church office with the copy of Baptism Certificate.
Baptism Preparation Seminar will be on Monday 15th May at 8.00 p.m. in the Upper Parish Hall, for Parents as well as for the Godparents.
Children willing to serve as Altar Servers – those who have received the First Holy communion up to Grade 9, are kindly requested to give your names at the Parish Office before the end of May.
There will be a special mass today at 6.45pm for the youths at the Basement Hall. All the youths are requested to join in for this mass.