AVOSA Office of Care will be conducting the Safeguarding Policy Seminar on 2nd June Friday from 8:45 am to 2:00 pm. All those who did not attend last time – Parish Council Members, Catechists, Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Prayer group Leaders, Choir leaders, Community Committee Coordinators and all those who are involved in serving the church in some way or the other, this Seminar is Mandatory. Please register your names at the parish office before 27th May 2023.
We need more catechists to teach Catechism to our children, those who can, please give your details at the Parish Office or at the Catechism Office.
From May 2023 onwards the Mass in Konkani will be on First and Third Friday at 7:45 am in Ruwi and on Second and Fourth Saturday at 5:00 pm in Ghala Church.
During the month of May, the Holy Rosary will be recited at the Grotto, everyday evening at 6.25 pm.
We have fulfilled our Lenten observances of Prayer & Fasting. As a result of which “Almsgiving” remains to be fulfilled. Those who have not yet returned, kindly return the Lenten envelopes before the end of April.
We are planning to put up shade at the grotto. Those who are willing to make any contributions towards it are most welcome.
Parishioners who are interested in joining the Lectors ministry, kindly register your names in the parish office.
Those who wish to bless your Homes with the Family please contact the priests of the parish and take an appointment.
The Good Friday, Easter Vigil & Easter Sunday collection amounted to Rials Omani 6888.300/- which has been sent to Bishop’s House for the upkeep of the Shrines in Holy Land, & Bishop’s work of Charity. We Thank You for your generosity.
The Annual Summer Camp will begin from 10th June 2023 to 30th June 2023 for ages 7 to 18 years. Registration forms are available at the parish office. Last day for registration is 28th May 2023. We also request Parishioners who can support in cash or kind to contact the parish office at the earliest.