Marriage Preparation Course on Friday 01
st & Saturday 02
nd February from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. in the Main Parish Hall. Copy of the certificate of Baptism is compulsory for registration. Registration at the Parish Office.
Christian Formation Conference 2019 will be held in Holy Spirit Catholic Church Ghala on Friday 01
st& Saturday 02
nd February. Those who would like to join the Catechism Ministry in future are requested to attend this conference. However, its compulsory for the Catechists. Contact the parish Office for Registration.
Ø There will be a meeting for all the Existing & New Altar Servers on Thursday 31
st January in the New Basement Hall. From 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm. Attendance is compulsory.
Ø Our Bishop, Paul Hinder will administer
The Sacrament of Confirmation, on
Saturday 26th January, Mass at 4.00 pm. Parishioners please note there will be no catechism & 5.30 pm mass on that day.
Baptism Preparation Course on Monday 21
st January at 8.00 p.m. in the upper Parish Hall. Attendance is compulsory for Parents as well as for Godparents.
Ø There will be no Catechism on 26
th January & 02
nd February.
Ø Those who wish to attend the Papal mass in UAE on 5
th February can fill the registration form available at the Parish Office.
Tomorrow , Feast of Our Lady of Arabia the patroness of Gulf.
Today, Bible Quiz organised by the Lectors Ministry, at 7.00pm to 8.30pm in the New Basement Hall. All are cordially invited.